
Adavali to Ratnagiri distance

Distance in KM

The distance from Adavali to Ratnagiri is 48.944 Km

Distance in Mile

The distance from Adavali to Ratnagiri is 30.4 Mile

Distance in Straight KM

The Straight distance from Adavali to Ratnagiri is 30.8 KM

Distance in Straight Mile

The Straight distance from Adavali to Ratnagiri is 19.1 Mile

Travel Time

Travel Time 0 Hrs and 48 Mins

Adavali Latitud and Longitude

Latitud 16.9214569 Longitude 73.59270270000002

Ratnagiri Latitud and Longitude

Latitud 16.9901889 Longitude 73.31223679999994