Pathanamthitta to Kozhencherry distance
Distance in KM
The distance from Pathanamthitta to Kozhencherry is 40.597 Km
Distance in Mile
The distance from Pathanamthitta to Kozhencherry is 25.2 Mile
Distance in Straight KM
The Straight distance from Pathanamthitta to Kozhencherry is 29.3 KM
Distance in Straight Mile
The Straight distance from Pathanamthitta to Kozhencherry is 18.2 Mile
Travel Time
Travel Time 0 Hrs and 40 Mins
Pathanamthitta Latitud and Longitude
Latitud 9.2610777 Longitude 76.96365020000007
Kozhencherry Latitud and Longitude
Latitud 9.334510500000002 Longitude 76.70769530000007