Gopiballavpur to Tamluk distance
Distance in KM
The distance from Gopiballavpur to Tamluk is 142.475 Km
Distance in Mile
The distance from Gopiballavpur to Tamluk is 88.5 Mile
Distance in Straight KM
The Straight distance from Gopiballavpur to Tamluk is 105.6 KM
Distance in Straight Mile
The Straight distance from Gopiballavpur to Tamluk is 65.6 Mile
Travel Time
Travel Time 2 Hrs and 42 Mins
Gopiballavpur Latitud and Longitude
Latitud 22.2054059 Longitude 86.8955009
Tamluk Latitud and Longitude
Latitud 22.2787091 Longitude 87.91856819999998